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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Old Idaho Penitentiary

The courtyard. Pretty isn't it? I loved the stone buildings.

In all seriousness, I simply love watching all those cheesy "ghost/paranormal" related series on TV. I just can't help it! Some are just too ridiculous to believe and nothing ever seems to happen - other than the occasional, "OMG, what was that?" coming from these so called "paranormal experts". 
Some are mildly entertaining, and I keep on watching them - from "Ghost Adventures" (these guys seriously need to CALM DOWN), "Ghost Hunters" (My favorites. At least the acting's not bad and the characters likable), to "Paranormal State" (This guy is waaaay too serious, and he needs more daylight in his life).
So, when I went to Boise for our usual summer excursion, I just HAD to visit- The Old Idaho State Penitentiary, which was highlighted in one of the "Ghost Adventures" episodes (Season 1 Episode 8).
It was hard, but I managed to annoy my friends consistently enough that they went with me (I can really be annoying, oh and why wouldn't you want to go with me anywhere?).
It was a beautiful place - yes I KNOW this was a prison, but it has pretty rose gardens all along the pathways and buildings, making it hard to be taken seriously. I loved the stone buildings and the museum with a armory exhibit to boot.
According to the "Ghost Adventures," The prison's most famous or rather, notorious inmate was Raymond Allen Snowden (Idaho's Jack the Ripper). He was the last person hanged in the State of Idaho (1957). His 'spirit was said to haunt solitary confinement (or "Siberia" as it was called).
Sadly, I failed to see, hear, touch or smell any ghosts or spirits who are said to wander there. Trust me, I looked into every crack, closet and crevice - nada!
But, the experience was educational and as a history junkie, I loved the history and (real) stories. I would definitely recommend adding it to your tour of Boise.
The penitentiary, which opened its doors in 1872 (built in 1870) is said to have held some of the most severe criminals of the West. 
It closed it doors officially in just 1973. (

Ummm...can you say ouch?

Yes, it is a picture of a loo inside a cell

The main hallway with regular security cells.

Some fascinating "graffiti" by the inmates. Beep! Beep!

Known as "Idaho's Jack Ripper," Snowden was the last person to be hanged in Idaho

P.S. Don't forget to find me on Facebook! Samslens

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