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Monday, April 29, 2013

A Saturday Up in the Air

We had our first airshow in Durant, Oklahoma, after 14 year, this weekend. The Take to the Skies Airfest
It was actually a lot of fun. Though the event began around 10 a.m. on Saturday morning, I din't roll-out of my comfy bed until much later!
Hey! This was my first Saturday off all year...AND I had to wake up at 6 a.m. to go help a new employee open up the shop before plunging back to my bed. So, I am excused (mummy that explanation was for you!).
I didn't expect the whole of "Dooo-rant" to turn up, which is what it certainly looked line. This was the first time I have seen "traffic" over here. What we call "traffic" over here is just about 5-10 cars or trucks (we are in the south after all) backed up at a stop sign. Anywhoo, the cars were lined up all the way past the casino and it took us half an hour to make it to the car park! Most action the cops saw this week!
All in all the stunts and planes were amazing. One pilot in particular was phenomenal. He did quite spectacular stunts just a few hundred feet off the ground and over our heads...(he's the one in the plane with the black & white striped wing). Everyone's favorite, however, was the microjet - a wee little mini jet that was super fast, known as the "World's Smallest Jet," and was a star in a James Bond movie. You can check out all about the Lewis & Clark Performance Microjet on their website:

We mustn't forget the food! Most of the food trucks were from Grayson Co. in Texas as we don't have that many events in our area., but the food was you're usual standard, yummy and yet so bad for you! Though I did have some of the best Rootbeer floats curtesy of "Van Ray's Olde Tyme RootBeer."

Here are a few of the million-and-one pictures I took at the event!

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