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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hope for a Better Tomorrow

Before I begin, I would just like to remind you that all opinion and thoughts are my own are not meant to offend anyone. Your own thoughts and opinions are welcomed and encouraged. Just keep them PG rated and please be respectful of others.

Memac Ogilvy, a Riyadh-based agency, is the first, of hopefully many more, ad agencies to spearhead its first anti-abuse ad campaign in Saudi Arabia. The full-page ad is visually captivating and eerie. The whole ad is an image of a women wearing a burqa. At first you don't see anything wrong with the picture, that is until you notice her blackened eye...and then the eye draws your focus until eventually it is all you see. The words "Some things can't be covered" & "fighting women's abuse together" are listed below with the phone numbers to local domestic abuse shelters. That's all the ad is, but that is all that is needed.

I love the ad and more than that I love the imitative finally taken by this company. The ad has an effect on us all, but more so in a nation where the cultural norm is to turn a blind eye to violence and abuse facing women.
The ad does have a shock-appeal. I'm sure there are some that were probably shocked by the audacity and boldness of this ad. Scandalous, they may find it...ahhhh, but there in lies its brilliance. I believe in a nation like Saudi Arabia, their neglect of addressing serious women's rights violations and/or abuse, this is just what they need to WAKE THEM UP!

This is not about Islam or Muslims, this is about a nation's sovereignty addressing issues of domestic violence faced by many women today. It does not call into question religion, in my opinion, but how women are treated and respected.

I do not believe every man is abusing their wives, sisters, daughters...etc., nor that all women in Saudi are deprived of their rights, but the legal system does favor males and subject women to silence, submission and neglect.

Saudi women are bound by law to ask for permission from their male guardians (usually the father, brother or husband) to leave their homes and travel freely, driving is STILL viewed as a controversial issue in the eyes of society and there are no laws that protect victims from domestic abuse. "There are no laws that protect women specifically. If, for example, a woman claims rape, and a man says it was consensual, she can face a counter charge of adultery," said Adam Coogle, a Middle East researcher at Human Rights Watch. (Click the link for a 2012 world report on women's rights in Saudi Arabia).

It is not until the 2015 election will women be able to vote (LEGALLY) for the first time in Saudi history, something I am definitely looking forward to and a clear indication that there are better things to come. Saudi is improving, in women's rights, and we are starting to see hope and light at the end of the tunnel.

I thought this ad campaign was something that was very important, not just for women in Saudi, but for women all over the world and for humanity in general - we need to step up for what we believe in, stand up for what is JUST and what is RIGHT, regardless of current social normsand the ideas and views of others. 

In the words of Vera Nazarian, "Don’t let a loud few determine the nature of the sound." 


"I have no faith in human perfectibility. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago."
- Edgar Allan Poe .

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thought for the Day

Ever feel like you're lost, hopeless, the whole world's against you?
They say you dream too big, you're dreams are will never go far just by dreaming...imagination is laugh too much, too often - this is real life, not a fairy tale we live in.

Well...I say, screw 'em! LIVE with all your heart, DREAM with all your heart, IMAGINE great things and they shall come to pass, LOVE and you will be loved, LAUGH often - it will cured all your troubles, and above all HOPE, for without hope there is nothing!

“I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge. That myth is more potent than history. That dreams are more powerful than facts. That hope always triumphs over experience. That laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death.”
― Robert Fulghum


Monday, May 13, 2013

Mommies =)

Most of us spent the weekend treating our mommies (just like we should). Some of us missed our loving mommies and their hugs, either because we are separated by the oceans or by heaven and earth.

They drive us nuts, just like we drive them nuts...sometimes more than other times. I know my mummy (yes that's what I still call her) loves me and I her, but we do love to argue just about anything and everything. It's how we express our love. When she calls me (almost every other day), she tends to drive me nuts, but I do miss her when she doesn't (don't tell her this!). She makes me laugh (especially when it comes to her tech savvy-ness), she makes me cry (well...when I was a naughty wee-one and she was a still scary), she makes me want to pull my hair out...and she also makes me feel loved and at home (which is the best feeling ever).

I didn't get to see my momsicle (I have many nicknames for each member of my family, as they do for me) this Mother's Day. It was our fourth one apart. I did get to see her face thanks to Skype! Living so many miles away from my family is one of the hardest thing for me, though they do drive me nuts, I miss them every second of every day.

So, though its a day late...Happy Mommies Day! I hope all you mommies, first-timers and seasoned veterans, all had a wonderful day. For all of those wishing our mommies we next to us or still with us, they are always right here next to us, in our hearts and in our minds...and I bet you are always in theirs too!

we don't need a special day to show them we love them, though they do like to hear it every now and then, I know mine does =)

"A mother's love is instinctual, unconditional, and forever." - Unknown

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cacomorphobia & Fitch

Good morning, afternoon, evening and night my loves...where ever in the world you might live. 

A friend of mine shared a link on his facebook page last night. It was a news article in the Elite Daily that really "turned me off," to put it mildly. The headline reads "Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Explains Why He Hates Fat Chicks." 

According to Sean Levinson, the main reason why A&F stopped carrying XL & XXL sizes in the last year is all due to Mike Jeffries' (the CEO) attitude. To add injury to insult the retailer claimed, "fat chicks will just never be a part of the “in” crowd." Yes, you did read that right. 

Author of "the New Rules of Retail," Robin Lewis has been quoted saying (of A&F CEO), “He doesn’t want larger people shopping in his store, he wants thin and beautiful people,” Lewis said. “He doesn’t want his core customers to see people who aren’t as hot as them wearing his clothing. People who wear his clothing should feel like they’re one of the ‘cool kids.’"

The part that really irks me is how he only talks about fat "WOMEN"! Yes, they still carry men's wear in those sizes. Why, you may ask? Oh, they have to cater to larger men athletes. I guess WOMEN athletes do not exist or maybe he expects all female athletes to be ballerinas (no offense to ballerinas, I did ballet myself).

Some people are naturally skinny and cannot help how they can never gain much weight, while others its the complete opposite, they really need to watch what they eat. IS this their fault? No, its genetics for the most part you MORON!....(was that a swear word?...nahhhh).

People like him are at the root cause of eating disorder problems facing women in today's society. Maybe Mr. Jeffries was one of those weirdos stalking Swedish eating disorder clinic for new models. Now that's disgusting!

It gets better, in a 2006 interview the CEO stated “In every school there are the cool and popular kids, and then there are the not-so-cool kids,” 
“Candidly, we go after the cool kids. We go after the attractive all-American kid with a great attitude and a lot of friends. A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely. Those companies that are in trouble are trying to target everybody: young, old, fat, skinny. But then you become totally vanilla. You don’t alienate anybody, but you don’t excite anybody, either."

Has a way with words doesn't he? Want to punch him where the "sun don't shine"?

So you might be thinking why he only wants to be surrounded by what he calls "good-looking people"? Have you ever seen a picture of Mr. Jeffries? No? Let me enlighten you to HIS good-looks:

Sorry wikipedia, I only borrowed it!

Ahhh just look at that all-American sandy-haired boy. Such a looker!

Hmmm...wake up Mr. Jeffries, you might need to kick yourself out of your own company!

In all seriousness, I believe Mr. Jeffries has some serious issues with himself and his own self-esteem. Maybe he never was the best looking person, maybe he had issues with weight loss. All this hate might be a result of his own demons. Who are we to judge? yes, it does hurt, it does make me made too, but he's just one man. Just a nobody suing his brand's fame to spread hate - hate that probably spread from within.

The only part that really affects me in this whole story is how teenagers, the brands target audience, are influenced by this mean little man's opinions. Being a teen is already the most confusing time in our lives. They do not need adults like him putting them down, just because of how they look. He's not a very good role model nor is the brand image he has created for Abercrombie & Fitch.

I just want to leave you with some wise words from a voluptuous and extremely sexy lady,
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.”
― Marilyn Monroe.

You are all beautiful to me!

End note: Cacomorphobia is the fear of overweight people. (Yes, sadly such a thing really does exist)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

No Regrets!

Just thought I would share with you what mood I'm in right now! :) I'm facing some very important decisions in my life right now, decisions that will affect the rest of my life, and I just needed to stop and think. And here's what I decided:

Don't live life with regrets. 

Sometimes we cannot avoid it, but you only live once, why would you want to look back 10, 20 maybe even 50 years from now and think, "why didn't I do that?" or "Why didn't I say that?"

Even if you believe in re-incarnation, THIS life you live only once! So hold your head up high and live life like there is no tomorrow.

One of my all-time favorite authors said, "Never look backwards or you'll fall down the stairs." - Rudyard Kipling.

No regrets! LIVE, LEARN & LOVE with all your heart! 

"Man, unlike anything organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments." - John Steinbeck

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Strive for Greatness!

Eating healthy AND staying healthy is very important. I have been blessed with a high metabolism and never had problems with gaining too much weight. Right now I am the heaviest I have ever been, but that's still pretty skinny (just a little bit more around the tummy).

But, there are many who cannot help control their weight, cannot help the way they look. You CAN however, help the way you feel about yourself. Love you for who you are, and that confidence will be reflected outwards. If you feel comfortable with yourself, others will also see you as a confident and beautiful individual.

Child obesity is at its highest right now, with around 43 million children in preschool classified as overweight or obese globally in 2010. Research conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health shows that this has increased by a staggering 60% in the last 20 years. It has been estimated that by the year 2020, 9% of all preschoolers, around 60 million children will be overweight or obese.
Those are just statistics for preschoolers - children under the age of 5, it does not take into account children of older age groups.

As our diets change and the world around us keeps getting more and more hectic, the time we have to prepare healthy homemade food gets cut short. We live a much faster paced lifestyle than we did just a decade or two ago. Our diets change to keep up with this new fast paced life, resulting in frozen foods and fast foods that contribute to our ever-increasing waistlines.

We need to take responsibility and control of our health, and adults in turn for their children's. Obesity does not only affect the physical health of a child, but it can also affect their mental health. How many of us know or have been the kid who was bullied in school or at the playground just because he/she was fat? Was that the kid's fault? Does a child know how to control or develop good eating habits? No! It needs to begin at home, with parents helping out their children and teaching them healthy habits.

It is harder for some, born with the wrong kind of genes, or with gland problems that cannot be easily resolved. But for most just basic good, healthy eating habits and little bit more outdoor activities a day (it doesn't have to be in the form of exercise) is all it takes. A little bit can go a long way.

Below is an article that ran in the KLBC Buzz, January 2013. The story was written by Sarah Hoffman, a contributing writer and edited by me. I thought this article would be perfect for today's post. I have re-edited/re-written the article from its original format.

The article is about a boy, Mason Harvey, who's just an astounding, driven individual and this is his story.

Strive for 85: Mason Harvey's journey to weight loss.

Raise your hand if you were "that fat kid" in school. Still painful to carry that label, isn't it? And, unfortunately, recent statistics show even more children fall into this category each year. Recent decades have seen an unfortunate and drastic increase in childhood obesity. According to the Center for Disease Control’s website, 7 percent of children aged 6-11 were obese in 1980.  In 2008, that statistic shot to 20 percent. As for adolescents, the website stated that the percentage of obese children aged 12-18 increased from five percent in 1980 to 18 percent in 2008.

In light of these dismal numbers, it is comforting to know that at least a small portion of children are fighting back. Stories are beginning to circulate of adolescents becoming “fed up” so to speak, with being overweight.

One of these children is non other than Mason Harvey tells a very similar story. A resident of Guthrie, Oklahoma, Harvey struggled with being overweight throughout his childhood. At age 11 and a weight of 206 pounds, he decided he had had enough.
“I was sick and tired of being sick and tired,” Harvey said.

When Harvey began his football season in sixth grade, he noticed that he needed to make some changes.
“I had a prescribed asthma inhaler, but no asthma. I knew I was slower than the other kids, and I knew I wasn’t healthy. It was at that point I felt I had to do something.”

Harvey’s bad habits that led to his weight gain sound very familiar for many of us, mirroring the habits and lifestyles of an increasing number of overweight children and their families

“A lot of my bad habits consisted of unhealthy eating, playing too many video games, watching too much TV, sitting on the couch too much, sleeping too much, and not exercising at all,” Harvey said. “Not to mention all the fast food nights during sports when we would grab something quick and easy, then go straight home to bed.”

The results of Harvey’s lifestyle were devastating not only to his health, but to his social life as well.
“I was tired all the time, and I had a hard time breathing,” Harvey said. “I had been picked on because of my weight, and I didn’t have very high self-esteem. I had friends all along, but not nearly as many as I do now that I’m more outgoing.”

Once this ambitious young man set his mind to getting fit, it seems he never looked back. He put together a diet and exercise program that was both practical and organized.
“I started by joining a strength training course at our local gym and exercising,” Harvey said.
“Secondly, I sat down with my parents, and we made weekly menus and grocery lists to incorporate healthy foods into our meals. Next, I made a commitment to cut back on pop, chips, candy and other junk foods. I started drinking more water and Gatorade and ate more fruits and vegetables. I watched my portion sizes and most importantly, I got off the couch and started getting active.”

Harvey is fortunate to have a loving and supportive family. He is the middle child of Julie and Mike Harvey, who are his biggest fans. His older brother Brennan and younger brother Casey were always by his side on his weight loss journey

“My family is a loving, supportive family, “Harvey said. “My parents like to play and have fun with us and like to watch us kids play sports. My brothers played a big part in helping get me outside to play, ride bikes, jump on the trampoline, and whatever else to stay active. Now my family helps participate in some of my missions when I do runs or stair climbs. We all like to laugh and experience new things together.”

Once Harvey had shed an impressive 85 pounds, he entered the seventh grade weighing 120 pounds. He now maintains his weight around 125 pounds. Feeling great, he decided that losing the weight wasn’t the end of his goal. He wanted to take it a step further and help others.
“I felt awesome,” Harvey said. “And I thought, 'If I can do it, anyone can.'"

During his strive to lose 85 pounds, Harvey had read a story that the mayor of Oklahoma City had challenged the city to lose one million collective pounds. Harvey wanted to participate but he was 12 and the minimum age for participants was 14. Soon after, Harvey read in the newspaper that the city had reached the weight loss goal. He decided to share his success story.
“I contacted the mayor and asked him to tell the city congratulations and shared my story,” Harvey recalled. “The mayor invited me to the State of the City Address on January 19, 2012. 1400 people and I was the only kid there."

The mayor shared Harvey’s pictures and his story with the people gathered there. Many people offered their congratulations and told Harvey that he inspired them. This moment was very moving for Harvey.
“I thought if I inspire adults, imagine what I could do for kids,” Harvey said.

It was at this point that his strive for 85 philosophy was born. Harvey began to make his goals in 85s.
“It hit me that I lost 85 pounds and 85 was my magic number,” Harvey recalled.
Amazingly, Harvey has already met the majority of his goals in less than a year and is working on new ones.

One of his goals was to meet 85 important and influential people to help spread his message about childhood obesity.
“My number one person was Michelle Obama, whom I had the pleasure to meet in April at the White House Easter Egg Roll,” Harvey said. “She is amazing! I have also completed 85 missions/events this year since I started in January.”

When he is not attending his seventh grade classes at Guthrie Junior High School or participating in activities such as National Junior Honor Society, the FCCLA club, art class, football, basketball and baseball, Harvey is always hard at work on his most passionate goal.
“I would say the one goal that is most important is to inspire 85 kids to get active and healthy," Harvey stated. "I would like to think that I’ve reached that goal because I’ve met so many kids already that tell me what a good job I’ve done and how amazing my story is. That’s what it’s all about—me wanting to be a spokeskid and reach out to others.”

In addition to completing his many impressive “85” goals, Harvey is spreading his message by giving motivational speeches at schools to inspire other children to lose weight. He always shares his life motto.
“Small steps plus smart choices equals big changes,” Harvey said. “If I can do it, anyone can.”

You can read more about Mason Harvey and his continuing achievements on his website at You can also follow him on Twitter, Facebook, or check out his videos on YouTube.

Mission 85 - On Dec. 1, 2012, Mason Harvey reached his goal. He attend the Little Willies Triple Dog Dare (for more information about this event go to The event consisted of three buildings and 69 flights of stairs. Before the event Harvey was quoted saying, "I WILL climb the 3rd 16 story building twice to complete 85 flights of stairs in under 85 minutes for my 85th mission."

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

New Facebook Page

Good Morning!

Guess what? I just created a facebook page for my blog (Does a little dance).

So go ahead and "LIKE" it! Why? Because you're awesome, that's why!'s the link: Samslens FB page

I'd just like to leave you with some wise words by a great and inspiring woman:

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa

P.S: Isn't he cute? :) ~Spread the love!~

Monday, May 6, 2013

~ Good Morning World ~

 Good Morning!

Yes, it's Monday again. Sigh! Had a restless night with very little sleep once again. Putting all that aside, it's a new week and we're all alive! So enjoy this day, for it's a new day and a new beginning.

I had a great weekend. Finally traveled further than 20 miles outside my town. Did a little shopping and dinner with some friends.

Enjoyed some "me and the couch" time as well. :) I finally watched "Django Unchained" and "Silver Linings Playbook" over this weekend. I loved them both for their equal, but entirely different weirdness.
Quentin Tarrantino's strange humor kept the seriousness and brutality of the movie balanced, though highlighting the cruelties and injustice of slavery facing the African Americans in the 19th century. And of course, like most movies, one of my favorite characters or most favorite character takes a bullet! No, not Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie, but Christoph Waltz's character, Dr. King Shultz. He's character kept me guessing what he would do or say, and I loved him.
Jennifer Lawrence was simply amazing! Bradley Cooper did a pretty good job as well, but she definitely deserved that Oscar for her performance. It felt like you were watching someone's life and not a movie. A lot of movies today feel like a movie and don't have that this is 'real' feeling. This movie, the actors, the camera, all made you feel like you were an invisible third person in the room, watching real life unfold. We all have our own eccentricities and things that make us tick! This movie handles the subject of 'mental illnesses' subtly and beautifully. (For my preferred review/critic site visit Rotten Tomatoes for the above movies: Django Unchained, Silver Linings Playbook)

I think we can all take something away from these two movies, appreciate what you have, because you're alive and you have been given the opportunity to do what makes you happy - make the most of it! Life IS a privilege, live it, love it!

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." - Marcus Aurelius *

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

Forever in My Heart

 "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure." - Unknown.

I lost a friend in October of last year and watching her old high school band perform, brought back the grief and sadness like it was just yesterday. I still feels like it was just yesterday that I saw her for the last time, always smiling, always laughing. She was so full of life and had so much energy. No one could meet her and not instantly love her. She worked hard, almost everyday...even on holidays! But, she also knew how to love really hard and play really hard too. :)

She was young, her heart full of love, laughter and dreams of flying for the "Blue Angels" in the Navy. She was going to follow her dreams, and did her best and tried her hardest to make those dreams come true!

She was sworn into the Navy the first week of October and she felt like she was already flying! So eager was she to serve her country and follow her dreams, she accepted an earlier date.

But, it was not God's plan and our sweet angel left us to be with Him. She now truly an angel, looking down on us and keeping us safe! We all miss her and love her with all our heart and not a day goes by that we don't miss her or think about her.

I miss you Meranda! My only regret is that God had brought you into my life earlier, so that I could have had more time with you. Just the brief year that I had with you was enough to know what a special person you are!

Every time I hear this song I feel you in my heart watching over us:

"On the plains of Oklahoma With a windshield sunset in your eyes Like a water-color painted sky You'll think heaven's doors have opened You'll understand why God made those fly over state." - Jason Aldean


"If tears could build a stairway,
And memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to Heaven
And bring you home again."
~Author Unknown

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Are we becoming numb?

Yes, it's the first of a new month and what was one of the first thing I saw online this morning you ask? Another article on child rape in India. This time she was not 5, but 4...and this time that little innocent girl not only lost her innocence, she lost her life! 
Yes, someone was arrested after he confessed to her kidnap and assault, and two suspects were arrested for the rape of a five-year-old as well. But the main question is, is that enough? Do these arrests seem to prevent or perturb future rapists and sexual offenders? I don't think so! 
The rape of the little 5 year old girl finally caused some waves in India and New Delhi (where the girl is from), but there are still many out there that do not find this as shocking or as disturbing as you or I might. 
A friend of mine came across a facebook page that had posted this (look below).

 According to the admins of this particular facebook page, a survey was conducted on their web page, and the results of which show that "apparently" it is women who should be blamed for being raped, as (once again now) "apparently" it is how they dress that calls for unwanted attention from men!
 - This post received 134 likes and over 300 shares!

This was their answer to the problem of rising issue of rape in India?
This post was shared not to begin that age-old argument of how a woman should dress, but is this seriously what is wrong here?

How does a five year old or a 4 year old ask to be violated? By that sweet little pink or white dress she had on? hmmm...I rest my case!

This whole media coverage of the treatment of women and the number of rape cases in India were called to attention four months ago. A young girl in her twenties was gang raped in a bus and later succumbed to her injuries. 
BUT, what about all those cases that never make it to the media? With a billion plus population in India, no one can say how many other cases never come to light.
A blog posted yesterday asked a really scary question: "Just another rape in India. Are we becoming numb?" I agree with the author, Anuja Jaiman, there is no such thing as "just another rape” for a victim." It does not matter if she was 5, 10 or even 30 years old. What did she do to deserve, not only the sexual violation, but also the psychological and physical injuries she has to live with for the rest of her life. If...IF...she survives! 
Something needs to be done! We...yes "WE", me and everyone else. Man, woman and child needs to stand up and let society know that this is just plain WRONG! It does not matter if her leg was showing or that nothing was WOMAN needs to be violated! 
Help protect our children, our wives, our mothers, our lovers, our sisters, our friends!
Teach boys and men to RESPECT women, education begins at home. 

Finally, I would like to shed light on an amazing group of women warriors! The Gulabi Gang, or the "Pink Gang" as their better known. Founded in 2006 by Sampat Pal Devi (a former govt health worker and a former child bride), the Gulabi's have vowed to stop child marriages and rape in their district. They visit abusive husbands and beat them up with bamboo sticks (AWESOME!) unless they stop abusing their wives. A series of articles in U.K newspaper, The Guardian, followed the Gulabi's activities. In 2008, they stormed an electricity office in Banda district and forced officials to turn back the power they had cut in order to extract bribes.

"Today, the Gulabi Gang has tens of thousands of women members, several male supporters and many successful interventions to their credit. Whether it is ensuring proper public distribution of food-grains to people below the poverty line, or disbursement of pension to elderly widows who have no birth certificate to prove their age, or preventing abuse of women and children, the Pink sisterhood is in the forefront, bringing about system changes by adopting the simplest of methods - direct action and confrontation.
Although the group’s interventions are mostly on behalf of women, they are increasingly called upon by men to challenge not only male authority over women, but all human rights abuses inflicted on the weak." (an extract from their website)

Stop standing in the shadows, stand up for what is Right and what is Good!