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Monday, May 6, 2013

~ Good Morning World ~

 Good Morning!

Yes, it's Monday again. Sigh! Had a restless night with very little sleep once again. Putting all that aside, it's a new week and we're all alive! So enjoy this day, for it's a new day and a new beginning.

I had a great weekend. Finally traveled further than 20 miles outside my town. Did a little shopping and dinner with some friends.

Enjoyed some "me and the couch" time as well. :) I finally watched "Django Unchained" and "Silver Linings Playbook" over this weekend. I loved them both for their equal, but entirely different weirdness.
Quentin Tarrantino's strange humor kept the seriousness and brutality of the movie balanced, though highlighting the cruelties and injustice of slavery facing the African Americans in the 19th century. And of course, like most movies, one of my favorite characters or most favorite character takes a bullet! No, not Leonardo DiCaprio as Calvin Candie, but Christoph Waltz's character, Dr. King Shultz. He's character kept me guessing what he would do or say, and I loved him.
Jennifer Lawrence was simply amazing! Bradley Cooper did a pretty good job as well, but she definitely deserved that Oscar for her performance. It felt like you were watching someone's life and not a movie. A lot of movies today feel like a movie and don't have that this is 'real' feeling. This movie, the actors, the camera, all made you feel like you were an invisible third person in the room, watching real life unfold. We all have our own eccentricities and things that make us tick! This movie handles the subject of 'mental illnesses' subtly and beautifully. (For my preferred review/critic site visit Rotten Tomatoes for the above movies: Django Unchained, Silver Linings Playbook)

I think we can all take something away from these two movies, appreciate what you have, because you're alive and you have been given the opportunity to do what makes you happy - make the most of it! Life IS a privilege, live it, love it!

"When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love." - Marcus Aurelius *

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